Pediatric Flatfoot - Cause for Alarm?
Parents keep a watchful eye on their children as they grow and develop, making note of any sign of a potential problem.more
Smoking and Bone Healing - 5 Surgical Risks Smokers Take
We all know the obvious dangers of smoking: lung cancer and cardiovascular health issues. Read more
How to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis: Tips for Travelers
For many, spring and summer mean it'€™s time for a vacation. Long car or plane rides, however, can trigger a serious condition known as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).more
Keep Your Dancing Feet Happy: Don't Ignore Foot Pain on the Dance Floor
Your New Year's resolution might have you taking up the latest fad in exercise: aerobic dance classes at the gym.more
Heed Caution to Kids' Heel Pain
Winter months bring basketball, cheerleading, wrestling and hockey seasons all rolled together. With these school sport seasons in full swing. Read more
Start the New Year with Healthy Feet
If you've been putting off having foot surgery to correct bunions or hammertoes, the cold winter months are a great time to concentrate on making your feet healthy.more
Parents: Know How to Buy the Right Shoes for Your Child's Feet
Did you know that your child's feet can grow up to two sizes in six months? You need to account for this rapid growth when buying shoes.more
Assist Your Diabetic Loved One This Autumn
November is National Diabetes Month, and an excellent reminder that the entire family should be involved with making sure our diabetic loved ones stay healthy. Read more
Enjoy the Fall Colors and Keep Your Feet Safe
Although certain colors are beautiful to look for when hiking in the fall, you don't want to see those colors on your feet and ankles as a result of a fall! more
Lawnmowers and Feet Don't Mix
Keep your feet and those around you safe this summer by using caution when mowing your grass.more
Love Those Flip Flops?
Flip flop sandals in every color, design and material are always popular in the summertime for everyone. But, while these types... Read more
Protect Your Feet From Skin Cancer
Skin cancer on your feet? Yes, it definitely does occur. In fact, melanoma of the foot is particularly fatal because people rarely think to look for the disease.more
Are You a Candidate for Ankle Replacement Surgery?
Arthritic hips and knees are replaced all the time-but did you know that arthritic ankles can also be replaced?more
High Ankle vs. Lateral Ankle Sprains: What's the Difference?
Ankle sprains may be one of the most common injuries, but they're also commonly misdiagnosed. Read more
Spring Walking Checklist
Spring is a great time to get yourself up off the couch and get on your way to better health. Don't let foot pain slow you down. more
Don't Ignore Your KidsÂ’ Heel Pain
With school sports seasons in full swing, it's important to remember athletes should never "play through the pain" in their feetmore
Keep Your Ankles Safe from Fractures this Winter Season
Ice and snow can be beautiful to the eyes, but can play havoc on our feet and ankles. Ankle injuries increase during Read more
Keep Your Toes Toasty
Whether youÂ’re heading off to a snowy region this season or stepping into the elements just outside your door, make sure youÂ’re dressed appropriately for the weather.more
Yard Cleanup Can Be Tough On Feet
Fall is the time to clear out the remains of summer gardens from the yard. Keep your feet and ankles safe from injury by following these helpful tips.more
Are Your Kids Overdoing Sports?
Fall not only means time to go back to school, it is also a time when kids? sports teams get back into action.more
Take Control of Diabetes
November is American Diabetes Month...more |
Is Your Foot Fracture an Early Sign of Osteoporosis?
Many of our patients are unaware that unexplained foot pain or foot fracture can actually be an early sign of osteoporosis...more
Keep Your Feet Healthy in the New Year
The new year is almost here and many are ready to follow through with resolutions to exercise and lose weight.more
Don't Let Winter Sport Injuries Keep You Inside
Tips for safer winter activity.more |
Use Caution When Mowing
When mowing your lawn this season, be sure to protect your feet and the feet of those around you...more
Golfers: Don't be handicapped with Foot Pain
This summer when you head to your favorite golf course, make sure your feet are in shape before you approach the tee...more
True Or False
Summertime fun can bring summertime injuries, including broken toes and fractured feet. And what you've heard about these injuries isn't always true...more |
Travel Tips to Help Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis
It’s that time of year to pack your bags and head off to your favorite destination. But while you’re riding in the car or travelling by plane, remember to...more
Bikes and Swimming Pools: Great Ways to Take the Stress off Your Feet
Many of us have been hibernating indoors throughout the winter months and are ready to head outdoors with the first signs of spring. Biking and swimming are two of the...more
Spring into Sports without Spraining Your Ankle
As the weather gets warmer across the county, many of us tend to head outside and exercise with our favorite activity. But...more |
The Facts about Feet
“Don’t cross your eyes, they’ll stay that way!”, Old wives’ tales and myths like that example are fun to laugh at. But...more
People with Diabetes Need to Keep Feet Fit
Fall brings changing leaves, cooler weather and the start of the holiday season. It also brings National Diabetes Awareness Month in November and...more
Parents: Are Your Kids Wearing the Right Shoes?
Did you know your child’s feet can grow up to two sizes in six months? You need to account for growth when buying shoes. But don’t...more |
Is Foot Pain Ruining Your Golf Swing?
As you head to your favorite golf course this spring, make sure your feet are in shape before approaching the tee box...more
Too Much Weight Harms Kids' Feet
The news is filled with stories about the growing numbers of overweight children. Kids aren't eating right, and they're not getting enough exercise...more
Warm-Ups: An Important Part of the Game
Painful foot conditions put senior citizens at risk for dangerous, even deadly falls. The Centers for Disease Control and revention recently announced that falls have become the leading cause of injury deaths for seniors...more |